Acupuncture Empower
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine & Chinese herbal

Certifications/ Reviews

Diplomate of Oriental Medicine

A Diplomate of Oriental Medicine is a practitioner who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®) and has met the certification requirements for both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbology as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, please visit the NCCAOM Website.

Acupuncture Chinese Herbology Asian Bodywork Traditional Chinese Medicine

Oriental Medicine (OM) or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes acupuncture, diet, herbal therapy, meditation, physical excercise, and massage.




My very first acupuncture experience made me a believer! While yoga and therapeutic massage helped some of my issues, one session of acupuncture expedited the healing process. In fact, tight muscles that normally take 3-4 sessions of massage to get a good result were loosened up with just one acupuncture session. My discomfort is gone and I have increased flexibility. I noticed some effects immediately but it took a week or so to feel the full result. Amazing! Thank you! 🙏🏼

Xiao Chen


Leslie Stenkamp

Miaoyi Lin was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. She reached some very difficult points that completely changed my quality of life after just the first session with her. She was very efficient with her treatment and got right to the source of my severe lower back pain. Very thankful I was able to get in with her. I have had a lot of experience with acupuncture and cannot say enough about the quality of her points.

Elaine A

Dr. Lin has been an amazing acupuncturist for me. She is eager to share her knowledge in self care and always takes her time with patient education through demonstrations, by examples and explanations using her body charts on the walls. She is very specific with her treatments as far as one’s body parts— always asking where it hurts, if feeling better during and after treatments, whether that be by cupping, accupressure, moxibustion or needles.

She is very likeable and easy to talk to. I can sense that her ultimate goal is to heal, or at least improve one’s wellness. It is even more amazing to me that her needle and cupping treatments have a few days of lasting sensation— such as a lingering feeling of the needle pressure or a tingling sensation on the cupped sites— she said that means the treatment is still working.

I have weeks of relief from my pain before I have to go back to her. What I have depends a lot on pain management. Her treatments help me considerably with that. I highly recommend her expertise.

Thank you Dr. Lin. See you later.

Elaine A of Williamsburg, VA

Mena Medina Ríos

Dear Dr. Lin,
After visiting multiple health specialists for my insomnia and chronic lower back pain, I was fortunate to find this acupuncturist and it has been a life-changing experience.
From the moment I stepped into Dr. Lin’s clinic, I was met with warmth, understanding, and professionalism. She took the time to thoroughly understand my condition, asking detailed questions, and explaining how acupuncture could help me.
Remarkably, I slept well after my first session. Also I began to feel a significant reduction in my back pain after one treatment!
Dr. Lin’s clinic is a sanctuary of tranquility, immaculately clean, and designed to put you at ease the minute you walk in.
I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Lin to anyone seeking effective, natural approach to managing insomnia, pain or other health issues.
Mena M. Rios

Colleen Baxter

I went in for a specific area where I have had pain for over a year in my back. I felt relief immediately. Miaoyi Lin was very kind and patient, she was very professional and knowledgeable. I am already scheduled for my next appointment to work on some other areas!

stephie allen

I had a very good session. The pain in both hands and my neck are gone. It is very clear that she has a deep knowledge of her practice. Very serious and gentle. It was not at all painful. I would absolutely encourage anyone with issues to seek her healing abilities.

Nicanor Sutingco

Colleen Baxter

I went in for a specific area where I have had pain for over a year in my back. I felt relief immediately. Miaoyi Lin was very kind and patient, she was very professional and knowledgeable. I am already scheduled for my next appointment to work on some other areas!

Hope Kraatz

Dr Lin is the best in the business. I felt great after one appointment. I highly recommend.

Hiba Taher

I Highly recommend Dr. Lin, She is super friendly, and the very most Important she is very professional. She knows what she’s doing.
I’ve been having pain around my neck and shoulders for more than 10 years and my orthopedics told me that the only solution will be a surgery, but after trying Dr. Lin I feel much better, and the pain level went really down, I will keep seeing Dr. Lin at least once a month to maintain my pain level and avoid having a surgery.

david allen

I am 72, and have normal aches and pains for that reason after carefull research i decided to try accupuncture. I have been very impressed with results. More importantly after studying me and my body she has restored functions in my face from an accident 50 years ago! An excellent experience over all and i look forward to working with her to address issues in the future!!!

Jacqui M

I said that I would give it 2 weeks to see if the effects would last before I wrote a review. Well here it is 2 weeks, and I'm still just as pleased as I was 2 weeks ago. Dr Lin went through a lot of paperwork with me took the time to read my doctor's notes and did not just rush through my initial visit. After all of the admin work was finished, she jumped right in to exercises and stretches and acupuncture and acupressure. The pressure was uncomfortable, the exercises were a little abnormal, the acupuncture needles I did not feel at all. The end results were so amazing that I was in tears from just the sheer relief of years of pain. I am going to her for hip pain and girly issues. I am so excited to go back in 2 weeks for my next appointment to see how much more relief I can gain. There was a moment where I asked the doctor to see the needles because I wondered if my relief truly came from a simple needle and not some type of anesthetic. If you are on the fence at all about this type of Chinese medicine, just give it a try. I am pretty certain that you will not be disappointed. Dr Lin is kind; a wonderful listener and doctor.

Ellis Hester 
Dear Miaoyi Lin
Your acupuncture treatment has helped my vertigo quite a bit since I started sessions with you in December 2023.
The dizziness has diminished a lot over the(3) treatments that you have provided.
I have had vertigo for more than 3 years and your treatments has helped me better than prescription medicine.
I look forward to continuing with with your treatments.

Andrea L

Miaoyi is absolutely amazing. I felt the meridians on my second visit and she released a lot of soreness and tightness. I felt it immediately and it was like magic!

Carolyn P.Sep 30, 2023

Dr. Lin of Acupuncture Empower is an exceptional acupuncturist!
My husband and I have had excellent results due to Dr. Lin's expertise in acupuncture. She also uses acupressure and teaches gentle stretching to encourage healing. Each of these techniques has brought us a lot of relief and healing.
We have greatly improved from swollen feet, stiffness and pain from arthritis, symptoms from stroke such as more speech clarity, more accurate penmanship, and better balance.
I have suffered from insomnia for many years.
With a few tips and gentle exercises suggested by Dr. Lyn, I am not as prone to insomnia, now, and my sleep quality is so much better.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago. Dr. Lin has helped my energy improve and I don't have as many painful areas on my body due to fibromyalgia.
My husband says Dr.Lin gives us good care, and I agree!
If you are thinking of acupuncture, I highly recommend Dr. Lin's practice.
We have had acupuncture from others, and while they each helped, we find Dr. Lin's methods and techniques to be the best. We have seen wonderful results in only a few visits.
Dr. Lin is friendly, kind, conscientious, and very knowledgeable. She is a physician of Chinese medicine.
Her office atmosphere is calm and lovely.
We are grateful to have found her right here in Williamsburg!
We look forward to continued healing through acupuncture with Dr. Lin!
Carol P.

Mary Ellen Lloyd

Excellent care; Dr Lin is an extremely devoted caregiver. I highly recommend her!

Nancy Hanlon

Different type of Acupuncturist gets to the issue and sloves the problem on the first visit

Pat Randolph

Miaoyi was wonderful. Provided great information. I left with a wonderful feeling of relaxation and pain that Ive had for 18 months was significantly less. I look forward to my next session in a few weeks.

Frank Babacock

Fabulous caring doctor. Highly recommend.