Acupuncture Empower
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine & Chinese herbal


Symptoms and signs determine what Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments are recommended.

Please call 919-358-5506 or email with your primary symptoms to make an appointment. 

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For initial visit, 1 to 2 hours,  depends on the patient's health condition. Follow up visits could vary, 1-2 times/week, or once a  month. Some conditions may need only one treatment. However, 1 follow up is still recommended.

Please eat 30 minutes before the appointment, suggest do not wear makeup, and prepare or wear loose clothes for treatment.

Please complete intake form prior to visit.

Please reschedule or cancel appointments 24 hours ahead of time. There is a $50 charge for no shows.

Our practice does not take any insurance, please pay by the visit. 


Miaoyi Lin L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.

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Monday By Appointment Only
Tuesday By Appointment Only
Wednesday By Appointment Only
Thursday By Appointment Only
Friday By Appointment Only
Saturday Not Available